校長的新書 即將出版
蘇格蘭 nihao (中文版) Scotland nihao (英文版)
高山狄水郁蒼蒼 煙雨空濛間朝陽
一片金黃一片綠 翩翩蜂蝶撲花香
與我同行 為您介紹
蘇格蘭 歡迎您 Fàilte gu Alba Welcome to Scotland
The idea of using a holiday journey round Scotland as a vehicle for sharing information, history, stories, mysteries and tales is excellent and works well. There is a large amount of acquired knowledge which the author shares happily with the readers. But it is not forced or burdensome; it is never dull. I like the detailed comments that people made in conversations. Even though the weather was dreich, yet the author describes it honestly and delightfully. The geographical locations are well presented, especially some of the more unusual places. This book deserves a wide audience.
Dr David Vernon
A cheery companion for a holiday touring in Scotland. It is full of surprises. Scotland is observed with humour and affection, through Chinese eyes.
Tom Mitford MA